Crusading journalist Maddie Magellan is instrumental in getting a man released from prison after serving nine years for a murder she believes he did not commit. The next day, the victim's widower apparently shoots himself after locking himself in his personal nuclear fall-out shelter. Investigators and engineers insist that no one could have gotten in or out of the shelter after the door was sealed. Yet those closest to the alleged suicide insist that his hands were so crippled with arthritis that he could not have run the bolts on the massive door, let alone pulled the trigger on a gun. Maddie coerces reluctant sleuth Jonathan Creek into investigating the case.
9.0 套现2:大赌客[电影解说]
7.0 杨乃武与小白菜1990[电影解说]
9.0 秋日何时来[电影解说]
1.0 亲爱的2013[电影解说]
2013 电影解说简介:一句献给他人的“亲爱的”,决定了性情女子李宝莉(闫妮 饰)一生的命运。这个有模有样的印刷厂女工没能得到邻居大学生的青睐,自然也看不上小人物郑坚(何冰 饰)。矜持和执拗,让她对喜欢上了郑坚的工友——看起来文质彬彬的技术员马学武(曹炳坤 饰)。马通过手段赢取李宝莉的欢心,而遭到学武欺骗的郑坚不仅爱情无果,更因一系列的事件走入监狱的大墙。时过境迁,马学武步步高升,官气十足,李宝莉自然也跟着荣耀起来。只不过花无百日好,马在腐化的道路上远走越远,他的心也早已不再和妻子相通。 受到牵连的李宝莉从天上跌落人间,她以女性的臂膀挑起家庭的重任,或许只为了等来一句真诚的“亲爱的”…… -
4.0 孔雀鱼[电影解说]
2024 电影解说简介:張亞男,本是一個平凡的家庭主婦。某日,身為警察的丈夫張力在工作途中離奇地墜海失蹤,留下她跟獨子小千還有未清償的債務。 這突如其來的意外讓亞男措手不及;為了維持生計,她除了在警局擔任清潔工也兼職命案現場的清理工作,同時暗中調查丈夫失蹤的真相,無意間她遇到在酒店擔任傳播妹的小雪,兩人成為莫逆之交,小雪受到亞男的影響,決心脫離紙醉金迷的日子,洗盡鉛華成為一名命案現場清潔工。亞男跟小雪攜手努力面對種種生活的挑戰,步步迎向穩定踏實的生活時,張力失蹤的真相也呼之欲出… -
4.0 墨西哥太平间的九具尸体[电影解说]