影片改编自畅销全球的现象级小说。莉莉·布鲁姆(布蕾克·莱弗利 饰)邂逅了帅气多金的神经外科医生莱尔·金凯德(贾斯汀·贝尔杜尼 饰),他们一见钟情,彼此沉迷,灵魂与身体的无比契合让他们迅速走进了婚姻。然而,深爱莱尔的莉莉,为何选择离开?到底是什么打破了他们的幸福?
9.0 想象一下
1.0 哥本哈根爱的故事
7.0 不想和你有遗憾
10.0 狂爱
4.0 我的错误:伦敦版
2025 爱情简介: Adapted from Culpables Series by Mercedes Ron. A different version from the original Culpa mía. An 18-year-old girl moves from America to London with her mother and wealthy stepfather. She meets her stepbrother, and an attraction brews despite their efforts. Unaware, her estranged father tracks her down after release from prison. -
9.0 筑得到的幸福