电影讲述一部关于信仰扭曲的故事,为见证殉道者慷慨赴义的死后世界,一群崇尚怪奇道理的组织成员,不断绑架牺牲者,用尽残忍手法将他们虐杀,好从他们弥留的眼神里,窥见殉道者的世界。露西10岁时曾遭绑架犯监禁凌虐,即使后来幸运逃脱,阴影仍笼罩心头挥之不去,而露西在孤儿院结识的好友 安娜,则是她唯一的依靠。十年后,深受过往回忆折磨的露西,意外发现当年绑架她的绑匪一家人,便冒险展开了危机四伏的追踪,安娜担忧好友的安危与之同行,殊料两人正一步步陷入凶恶的处境,当年绑架案背后的恐怖真相也即将浮现…
4.0 丽莎灵异实录
6.0 闹鬼季节
9.0 杀死爱人
2024 恐怖简介:When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a creature with increased aggression, a touch that melts skin and worst of all, he's contagious. -
9.0 愿者安息
2023 恐怖简介:Cemal, a lonely hearse driver, has to transport the body of a young woman who has been murdered to her parents' home. During the trip, however, the body comes to life and when he sees her, Cemal falls in love with the undead woman. This is when he begins to commit murders in order to feed her, even if it means having to deal with the police's attempts to capture a serial killer... -
6.0 尸潮汹涌
9.0 死亡之域